Our Mission

The Cherry Fund, established in 1996, and located in Washington, DC, is an independent, all-volunteer led & managed 501 (c) 3 organization.  The sole purpose of the Fund is to raise monies for service-based non-profit organizations serving the LGBT community of Washington and beyond.  Organizations whose primarily goal is to stop the spread of HIV infection & AIDS by prevention, treatment, and education, organizations that provide mental health services as well as groups who work with LGBT youth and their allies. 

To achieve this, the Cherry Fund produces an annual weekend dance event fundraiser in the Spring, comprised of various individual events, and appealing to a patronage whose charitable contributions might otherwise go untapped. The Cherry Fund also produces occasional one time events seasonally, to maintain a community presence, to provide marketing opportunities for CHERRY Weekend, and to raise additional funding for our beneficiaries.

Our Vision

The Cherry Fund’s vision is to provide funding to HIV/AIDS and Mental Health service organizations to ensure that they can continue providing much-needed services to the often-neglected and underserved parts of our community.  

Our Work

HOW – We raise funds for our beneficiaries by producing a variety of social events at venues throughout the DC Metropolitan area and the Mid-Atlantic region. WHAT – We work mainly by providing grants to strengthen organizations that provide essential services to our community.  WHY – The challenges facing these often under-funded organizations require overwhelming time, attention, and resources. Receiving grants from outside sources allows them to continue serving those in need on a daily basis, and to work towards broader-reaching improvements on a long-term basis.

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© 2024 The Cherry Fund. Non-Profit Tax ID: 52-2139599.